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Certified Training
Certified training is training provided independently and against the curriculum and standards set by the training company only. In our case, it does not mean necessarily that such training is inferior to accredited training.
Accredited Training
Accredited training means the training provided is by a company that complies with the regulations set by the sector's training authority (in this case TETA) and that the training provided is against nationally recognized unit standards which is uploaded on the national qualifications framework (NQF) and controlled by the national training authority (SAQA). Incentives exists for employers who send their staff for accredited skills training.
TETA Accredited 4x4 Training : TETA = Transport Education & Training Authority
TETA is the regulating body for the off-road unit standards.
Accredited number : TETA 10 - 113
SAQA Unit Standards - South African Qualifications Authority
SAQA holds the framework for all SA qualifications.
Below the Off-road Unit Standards linked to SAQA
U254135 :Apply the techniques for operating 4WD vehicles in on-road and off-road conditions
U254154 :Apply the advanced techniques for operating 4WD vehicles in off-road conditions
In-house Training
In-house training can be done at our premises : Jameson Ave 4, Door De Kraal, Bellville, 7530.
The practical training is offered on various 4x4 routes and tracks close to Cape Town, depending on the course. Practical venues : Melkbos 4x4; Atlantis Dunes; Babylonstoren 4x4.
In-house training will soon be available in Gauteng and other provinces.
Workplace Training
Training is offered on the premises and terrain of the company wanting training at workplace for their employees.
One-on-one Training
One-on-one training is mostly provided for those who require special attention and those who do not want training in a group. The costs is double.
RPL Training - RPL is the abbreviation of "Recognition of prior learning"
If you are an experience 4x4 driver, you can be credited against the off-road SAQA unit standards without doing a full blown course. This process is also called RPL and it has the following benefits :
(1) Reduced cost and time to get qualified
(2) Credits awarded to learning no matter where it was gained (formal or informal)
(3) Eliminate the need for duplicate training
(4) Motivate people to further develop and enhance self-esteem.
Online 4x4 Training - New!
Training is provided through various YouTube Video Clips. More detail will follow later
Refresher Training
Refresher training is offered to already competent candidates wishing to keep up with latest developments and improved driving/recovery procedures. It is highly recommended to the professional 4WD driver/instructor/guide/recovery officer. The costs of a refresher course is half of the actual first time course.
Customized Training
This is normally does for candidates or companies wanting to do training with any special requirements. Fire fighters may require training with trucks laden with watertanks.
4x4 Training in Africa
We have done it in the past and are prepared to do it again. 4x4 Training is normally required by mining exploring companies.

4x4 Offroad Academy
Professional 4x4 Training
Advanced 4x4 Recovery
Green Standards
Online Training
4x4 Offroad Academy
Professional 4x4 Training
Advanced 4x4 Recovery
Green Standards
Online Training