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Duration : 3 Days
Venues :
Day1 Theory : Normally client provides the lecture room, otherwise at Jameson Ave 4, Door De Kraal, Bellville
Day2 Practical : Melkbos 4x4, 3km north from Melkbosstrand on the west coast road.
Day3 Practical : Welgelegen 4x4
Cost : R3800.00 per candidate: Payable in advanced
Included : Full Training and Assessment, Use of 4x4 track on 2 days, Coffee/Tea on the day of theoretical day, Training Manual.
What to bring with :
2 x Certified Copies of ID ; 2x Certified Copies of Drivers License; 2 x Color Passport size Photos with name printed at the back ; 4x4 Vehicle ; Vehicle's Owner Manual ; Tyre Pressure gauge; 12V Tyre Pump ; Spare wheel; Wheel spanner; Gloves; Any recovery equipment you may have; 1.5 liter drinking water per person on days in the veld. . Pen (black ink). Lunch and refreshments for every training day.
Previous learning is not a requirement. If you are experienced, a 4x4 resume will reflects good on your portfolio of evidence.
Induction ( 0.5 hrs ) :
Welcome; Attendance; Logistics; Background OBS; SAQA; TETA; Credits; Off-road Regulation; Special Needs
Pre-assessment meeting (barriers, appealing rights, assessment plan, assessment request, indemnity)
Documentation :
Workshop Manual, Training Manual, Unit Standard 254154, Portfolio of Evidence(to be handed in)
Theory :
ENGINES ( Turbo- & Super chargers, Power and Torque calculations, Cooling System)
TRANSMISSIONS ( Understanding the transmission of power and torque through each component)
DIFFLOCKS ( Open Diff, Manual difflocks, Automatic,difflocks LSD, Torsen diff, Use of lockers, traction control),
4WD DYNAMICS ( Suspensions, Control Systems, 4WD Vehicles, onroad and off-road conditions)
TYRES & RIMS (Components & Construction, Determining Pressures for load and speed, Rims, dynamic behaviour)
TRACTION ( Traction, Rolling resistance, Slipping scenarios)
ADVANCED OFF_ROAD DRIVING TECHNIQUES ( Momentum + traction, Gravel road driving, Terrain dependant techniques - mud / sand / dunes / rock & mountains /snow, reaching vehicle limits and special driving techniques
RECOVERY PROCEDURES ( Hand signals, Air- & Hi-lift Jack, Kinetic-, Winch Recovery, recovery forces, Safety,
which includes all the outcomes of US254154 below
Off-road vs On-road driving
Passenger and Vehicle Safety precautions
4WD features in off-road conditions
4WD Vehicle preparation and behaviour in off-road conditions
Basic recovery techniques
Driving techniques applied to nature and terrain dependant obstacles
Non Driving Tasks : to be performed by each candidate
Tyre Plug Repair (through steel tread)
Operating an air jack
Operating a high lift jack
Operating a winch (double line)
Setup and Perform a Pull recovery
Setup and Perform a Snatch Recovery
Driving Tasks : to be performed by each candidate
4x4 Accesseries and Recovery Equipment
Off-road Vehicle Preparation
Basic 4x4 Driving Skills (momentum, negotiating obstacles
Advanced 4x4 Driving Skills (gravity, night driving, use of lockers,oversteer,understeer)
Recoveries (equipment, Recovery points, condition and inspection of, safe recovery procedures, recovery forces)
Explain vehicle controls, use thereof in terms of Owner's Manual Instructions
Perform a Reverse Stall
Driving cross-axle demonstrating (TC technique, better line, use of little momentum, use of locker)
Driving Sideslopes
Driving a mountainous track in convoy.
Driving a rocky patch (best line and high points, building your path if necessary)
Sandy obstacle - rocking manoevre
Muddy/water obstacle if available.
Assignments : (own time)
(1) . Complete a questionnaire
(2) . Vehicle assignment
Homework : (own time)
Pre-reading Training Manual - all sections marked "A" and "B"
Complete assignments
Final Assessment :
(Continuous evaluation and assessment will be done throughout the practical.)
Questions and Answers session.
Questionnaire (open book) : US254154
Special case Interview (exceptions only, if needed for confirmation)
Hand in Portfolio of Evidences.
Assessor Feedback
Learner Feedback
Certification :
Certificate : After TETA's endorsement.
Statement of Results : Issued by TETA .